Mental & Emotional Health

Mental health plays a big part in physical health.

We understand that mental & emotional stress play a powerful influence in one’s physical health.

If anything we have learned from the challenges faced in recent times, mental & emotional stress play a powerful influence in one’s physical health.


The experience we have collectively in the field of Functional Medicine has led us to believe that emotions are the most powerful influencers of health. Tuning in to the power of these emotions can drive disease processes, for better or worse. 

How we can help

Although we do not have a psychologist or counselor on board, we help navigate our clients through the process of finding a trained provider when necessary. We also recommend various resources such as meditation, deep breathing and vagus nerve stimulation.

Resources available

There are many resources available that focus on neuroplasticity, or the ability of the brain to change and rewire itself.

We highly recommend that our clients who are dealing with challenging health conditions seek treatment with a meditation or neural training program, in addition to the support that we provide, as this can provide a synergistic approach to healing and arm our clients with lifelong coping skills.

We can also help with

Gut Health

Environmental Health